Saturday, January 3, 2009

new year's eve, how did you spend yours?

well, i wanted to call you up, but i just couldn't get my fat fingers to press `em. Loi said that its expected, as your job required you to be round the clock especially during holiday times. I still wonder how you spent yours. But I'm worried that your soul might not be here. And i'm worried that you might not like it if i bring you to soho.

anyway, its been donkey years since i go clubbing, i think this is just the second time. And yet again, i got drunk again... and vomit. And the farnie part is? well i vomit on a gal and she still doesn't know... Wow~! well its already too wild to know such thing going on. Haha!!! Anyway, whoever she is, i'm really sorry i did that. Also, to George, I'm sorry i throw up on you too!!! Haha!!! But don't worry, you're gonna get rich this year cause you've got my puke on you!!! HAHA!!!

Ok, regarding Soho... :
- girls? Yup!
- Lalas? Yup!
- Music? Oh YEAH!!!
- French Kiss? Oh yesh!!!
- Ah bengs fighting? Erm... nope...
well, doesn't sound like Soho if there's no fight, but I like it, I totally enjoyed my new year's eve despite being drunk. Everyone's wild and crazy and drunk, its nice...

I reached there around 10PM, and actually I'm supposed to share 2 tables with Ah Sung, but he picked a table outside, whereas we prefer the dark corner inside. Somehow, DK-San managed to arrange 2 tables for us inside, but the bad news is, we gotta open 2. damn... well, we didn't manage to finish all of `em anyway...

Sorry guys, didn't take much photos, regretted too... :(

Somehow, we didn't manage to play alot, as we weren't given the party pack. Also, the boys weren't alcohol drinkers, some even only drink green tea (*lulz~!). Only a few of us drink. What i know is, mk is the guy that's drunk the most. Apparently he offered to drink with all of the girls there, and i guess 1 glass each gals, wow... surely sum up to quite alot...

The remix that night at Soho was quite nice actually, eventhough i expect Kuching's DJ's to be not up to par compared to the International scenes. But still, the mix was nice! There's even the Dota song by Basshunter. Some old remix was there too, which was unexpected.

Around 12:30AM, we headed out to McD near Soho, but couldn't find any parking place, and therefore headed to the one at 3rd Mile. But it was packed, and after awhile queueing up, me and George got fade up and went away. Khee and DK-San was enjoying themselves posting with the drunken monkey... haha~!!!

Mki3 and Khee posing... haha!!!

and... he's DOWN!!! Lulz~!

i srsly dunno wad's Khee doing posing like diz... but its farnie... haha!!!

Well, that's all guys... happy new years, and wish everyone the best!!! I didn't send out any sms-es this year, coz i'm lazy... kinda pointless too to forward repeated sms. So i'm gonna wish everyone, all my friends, all my beloved familes, all my friendly colleagues, and everyone that i know and didn't know, HAPPY NEW YEAR, AND WISH YOU ALL HEALTHY AND HAPPY!!!

1 comment:

Gsung said...

happy new year,donny... keep update ya...